與力克啟動世界步行籌款 Run the World with Nick Vujicic
Run the World with Nick Vujicic Fundraising Walkathon
日期/時間Date & Time: 2010.12.19 (日Sun) , 2:15pm – 5:00pm
地點 Venue: 大潭香港國際學校作起點及終點(來回巴士接送) The walk will begin and end at the Hong Kong International School in Tai Tam Country Park
截止報名日期 Registration Deadline: 12月10日, Dec 10, 2010
(額滿即止, on first-come-first-served basis)
來回巴士接送 Shuttle Service: 下午1:30 於中環8號碼頭(往紅磡)外集合 Free round trip shuttle buses will operate from Central Pier No.8 (to Hunghom) starting at 1:30PM.
請即參加 Enroll now
查詢 Enquiry:(852) 2521 7673 http://pmf.org.hk/event.php
Nick will join the walkathon after a brief sharing
For those who raise more than HK$300, you will receive Nick Tumbler ‘Never Give Up’.
For those who raise more than HK$1,000, you will receive “Life Without Limits” Chinese Version as well as Nick Tumbler ‘Never Give Up’.***
藉著是次步行遠足活動,我們誠邀合作伙伴和支持者與力克一起為「與力克啟動世界2010」全球佈道計畫籌款。“Run”有兩個意思:奔跑和管理。力克一直在全球各地跑來跑去,透過分享自己的故事改善世界。跟他走的每一小步都對到訪地方的每一位觀眾有極大意義 — 讓他們透過分享力克的故事找到希望、力量和生命中更大的意義。
By inviting partners and fellow supporters for a Sunday outing to walk with Nick, we will raise funds for our "Run the World with Nick 2010." Run has two meanings: to walk fast and to manage. Nick run across the world and use his story to help shaping a better world. Taking one step at a time with Nick, one country at a time, and share Nick's story and inspire more people for new hope, strength and life's greater purpose.
Fund raised will be applied towards for 2011 outreach and stadium events to China, Japan and Asia, covering further China cities in the west and also Taiwan. Funds will also aid the development of new life education curriculum (videos and books) for students and parents, to empower young generation to overcome the temptation of drugs, sex, alcohol, and stop teasing and bullying in schools and resist the terrible scourge of suicide.
主辦 Presenter:樂苗基金 PMA Music Foundation
受惠機構 Beneficiary: Life Without Limbs (Great China) Limited
場地贊助 Venue Sponsor:Hong Kong International School
In case of the bad weather, Life Without Limbs (Great China) Limited ("LWL") reserves the right to cancel the event. Announcement of the latest arrangement will be made on the day. The event will not be re-organized and all donations collected will not be refunded to the participants.
LWL reserves the rights to change the programme of the event and the terms and conditions without prior notices.
In case of any dispute, LWL shall have the final and conclusive decision.