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10/03 - 10/07

如何成為屬靈父母 特會


7pm - 9pm Fri. Oct 7, 2011

10am - 6pm Sat. Oct 8, 2011




是什麼原因使青年人遠離教會和上帝?我們如何回應上帝在我們的生活中的呼召 ?你願意和我一起發掘上帝對這一代的心意嗎?

IMPACT Harvest Church 歡迎您來參加2011年屬靈父母研討會。 Larry Kreider 是國際DOVE事工的創始人和領導人。關於Larry Kreider 更多信息,請點按 www.dcfi.org

任何人,任何年齡都可已成為他人的屬靈父母! 只要您願意!





Jack Lee

Sr. Leader

IMPACT Harvest

First 40 to register will receive special gifts, $30/person. Material included.

sponsored by Kingdom for Jesus

Seminar @ 3817 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA

Speaker:Larry Kreider currently serves as International Director of DOVE Christian

Fellowship International (DCFI), a worldwide network of churches. At age 18,

he had an experience with the Lord that led him to begin working with a group

of unchurched young people in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. As the teens

made commitments to Christ, they found it difficult to fit into area churches. To

help meet this need, Larry and a team of young leaders planted a new church

called DOVE Christian Fellowship in 1980. Within ten years, the church grew

from 25 to over 2,000 members. In 1996, DOVE decentralized from one church

into several different congregations to become an apostolic movement known

as DOVE Christian Fellowship International (DCFI). Today DCFI is a growing

family of churches and ministries scattered across eighteen states and more than

twenty nations in six continents of the world.

Online Registration: www.loveimpact.net

welcome@loveimpact.net This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

contact Jack 626.354.1445
