聖誕節的意義 The Meaning of Christmas
日期: 98年12月12日 (六) , 12th December 2009 (Sat)
時間: 5:00 p.m.
地點: 淡水鎮立圖書館演藝廳Tamsui LibraryTheater
地址: 台北縣淡水鎮文化路65號
No. 65, Wen Hua Rd, Tamsui Township, Taipei Count
美國 瓦特羅斯牧師(Pastor Walter Ross)
CCCA Angel 敬拜團
The Christmas concert at the Tamsui Library Theater will be a night filled with festive joy. There will be praise and worship, including some well-loved Christmas carols. Come and join us in learning about the birth of Christ and the love He has for all people.
Christ Community Church of Asia (CCCA)
No. 10, Lane 110, Ai Guo E. Road. Taipei City.
Tel: 02-3322-4571 0922-052968