電腦事工研討會Computer Ministries Conference
用新科技開展神國度事工expand God's kindom with new technology
9:00-10:30 開幕禮拜Worship
10:45-12:00 工作坊(一)Workshop(1)
12:00-1:00 午餐Lunch
1:10-3:45 工作坊(二)Workshop(2)
4:00-500 閉幕禮拜Worship
主題Main Speaker
當教會領袖和專業人仕同工When Church Leader and Professional Serving Together...邱志健牧師Rev. Jonathan Chiu
1. Podcast...Tabitha Smith (Best Podcast Publisher of 2008 and 2009...)
2. 網路視傳Internet Video Streamming...黃授正Joseph Huang (國際家庭電視台創辨人Director of ifTV...)
3. 快速有效地建立教會與機構的網站事工Efficiently Buildding Church and Para-Church Organization Website...梁經綸Alan Liang (Web4Jesus創辨人Web4Jesus Director...)
4. 如何利用部落格(Blog)與微網誌(microblog)來倍增擴展網路事工...黃培遠(遠東廣播電腦同工Fareast Broadcasting co-worker...)
5. 如何建立與使用電子書(eBook)來傳遞神國資訊...石國忠(Web4Jesus Co-worker...)
6. 免費世界Free World...張晧晶Hilary Chang(聖達傳道人Layman of EHCHH...)
7. "網羊" "Virtual Sheep"...周享傑Siang-Jeh Chou (天路創辨人Heavenly Portal Director...)
8. Ministry Loan...James Hsu
各工作坊分堂同時舉行...All workshops start at same time in different rooms...
how to apply in ministries如何應用在事工上...
possible obstacle可能遇到的問題...
true story實際事工例子...
let ppl have overall understanding as they participate in the
hope those pro and org co-worker who wish to join can come...and overall picture for
church leaders ...希望有願意投入事工的 專業人員 和 機構同工來參加...希望教會領袖也可一同來了解實務應用...
will have some multimedia intro for those topic without speaker in the display
ministries intro事工介紹...
walei globe哇咧星球...
CCCOWE-USA美國華福 www.cccowe-usa.org
Chinese Christian herald Crusades洛杉磯角聲 www.cchcla.org
CCIM網路事工使團 www.ccim.org
CMI USA國際關懷協會 www.usacmi.org
Heavenly Portal天路 www.heavenlyportal.org
ifTV國際家庭衛視 www.iftv.tv
ORTV救世傳播協會 www.ortv.com
web4Jesus www.web4jesus.org