近期,有關方舟的考古發現與宣稱,引發不少討論;是次講座由國際著名學者卡爾威蘭博士(Carl Wieland) 從科學角度考究有關創世記的年代、歷史等,檢視所謂「方舟發現」的真偽。設有問答時段,讓卡爾威蘭博士解答與會人士各有關問題。
日期: 2012年5月4日 (週五)
時間: 10:00am-12:00pm
地點: 中華基督教會長沙灣基道堂
(Dr Carl Wieland is in great demand as a speaker on the scientific evidence for Creation/Flood, and its relevance to Christianity. Able to hold audiences (both academic and lay) with his knowledge, easy-to-listen-to style, and ever-present humor, he has lectured extensively in Australia and internationally. Dr Wieland is Managing Director of Creation Ministries International in Brisbane, Australia. This ministry organization (which started as Creation Science Foundation, then Answers in Genesis) produces the family magazine Creation (now going to subscribers in over 100 countries), which he founded in 1978. Carl has authored numerous articles in both Creation magazine and the associated in-depth Journal of Creation (formerly TJ). He has made major contributions to several creationist books including The Creation Answers Book, and is author of Dragons of the Deep: ocean monsters past and present plus the compact booklet Stones and Bones. Although his formal qualifications are in medicine and surgery (from Adelaide University in South Australia), Carl has not practised in the medical profession since 1986. He is a past president of the Christian Medical Fellowship of South Australia.)
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