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02/15 - 02/21



榮司提反博士( Dr. Steven Long)是得勝者教育協會的創辦人, 20多年來已經服務超過100萬的國高中生。榮司提反夫婦的服事充滿了神的大能,透過他們的禱告使各式的病症得醫治,也為人帶來神話語的先知性啟示。

邀請您參加展翔天地國際教會2/21 (周日) 下午三點的主日崇拜,歡迎身心靈有需要的朋友,出席此次聚會,機會難得,也期待您邀請親朋好友踴躍出席。



地點: 台北市羅斯福路四段85號B1(台大集思會議中心)

連絡電話:02-2367-7576 張姐妹 (年假期間亦可連絡)

Dr. Steven Long is the founder of the Champions Education Association, R.O.C. Many years ago he responded to God's calling, so he came to Taiwan with his wife, Vicky Long. They have served more than one million junior and senior high school students for more than 20 years. The Longs' ministry is full of God's great power, ministering in healing and the prophetic to many people.

We sincerely invite you to attend the Sunday service in Taipei Every Nation International Church 15:00 , Sun Feb 21. This is a rare opportunity. We welcome you to meet God in a powerful way. Be sure to invite your friends and family to come!

Organizer:Taipei Every Nation International Church (TENIC)

Time:2010.02.21, Sunday, 3 PM

Address :GIS Center, B1. , No.85, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei

Tel:02-2367-7576 Ms. Chang (open for everyday)
