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05/24 - 08/29


主題: 信仰與人生的重建

Theme of the Rally: Faith and Life Transformation

講員: 唐崇榮博士

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong

國語主講英文傳譯 Mandarin with English interpretation from the podium

地點: 澳洲科技園展覽中心

Venue: Australian Technology Park Exhibition Centre

Redfern 火車站旁約200米。備有大量停車位,週六週日停車免費

About 200 meters from Redfern Station. Free Parking on Saturday and Sunday.


FREE ADMISSION FOR ALL EVENTS, please come early to reserve your seat

查詢電話Contacts: 王基臨 Jilin Wang 9263 5439 | 0430 677 788

沈凡 Tommy Shen 0425 323 282

電郵Email: STSYDNEY2010@Gmail.com

網站 Website: http://www.stemirallies/2010/sydney

8月27日 星期五 Friday, 27th August 2010

7.30pm 佈道會

Evangelistic Rally

8月28日 星期六 Saturday, 28th August 2010

10:00am 專題講座:撒但的投資與基督教的衰微

Seminar: The Investment of Satan and the Deterioration of Christianity

6.00pm 問題解答

Question and Answers

7.30pm 佈道會

Evangelistic Rally

8月29日 星期日 Sunday, 29th August 2010

4.00pm 佈道會

Evangelistic Rally

    Enrollment Closed